Asparagus season is basically over. Garlic scapes are pretty much done too, as are ramps and fiddleheads. But rhubarb is still going strong in the New York area, at least for a few more weeks, and I am determined to take advantage of it’s tangy deliciousness as much as I can while it’s still available in it’s freshest form.
The good people over at Good Eggs (my favorite deliverers of locally produced and farm fresh food) just recently shared a killer recipe for their own Rhubarb Toasts and I figured it was my duty to pass it along to you guys while you still have the chance to pick up some big red stems of rhubarb and make some for yourselves. I made it the other night for a little appetizer and it was delicious… the kind of thing one imagines people who live with Alice Waters or Gabrielle Hamilton probably eat all the time.
The San Fernando Valley Veteran’s Family Resource Expo was held yesterday at the National Guard Armory in Van Nuys. The event was a tremendous success.
Over 60 companies, Veteran Service Organizations (including Silhouettes for VETS), and every imaginable Veteran support services attended. Each of the organizations represented was there to support and honor our Veterans and did so in a manner deserving of recognizing those who have served.
Kenn Phillips, SFV Economic Counsel and Mark Brenner
Over the course of the past few months the San Fernando Veterans Committee planed this event in order that each of our Veterans had access to the services they needed. The feedback from the Veterans in attendance was all very positive and we must recognize those who lead all the coordinating of this event.
A special thanks to Alex Letterson, EDD and Amity Anderson, President of the SFV Veterans Committee who along with the all the Board Members had everything in place to serve the over 300 Veterans and their families who attended.
Amity Anderson, Wells Fargo and Mark Brenner
I would further like to recognize the partnerships of The Salvation Army Haven and Linda Broughton, Volunteers of America and Kelly Logan that have assisted Silhouettes for VETS growth over the past 6 months. Linda and Kelly should also be commended for the work in organizing this event.
There are many other who participated in making the San Fernando Valley Veteran’s Family Expo an event that is a one of a kind success – so to all that worked to make this success – thank you.
Alex Letterson EDD and Mark Brenner
Silhouettes for VETS is proud to be a part of this most successful event. Over 20 Veteran’s signed up to the Coaching Services of Silhouettes for VETS. And in attendance were seven Veterans who are currently being coach by the team at Silhouettes for VETS.
Linda Broughton, Salvation Army Haven, Kelly Logan VoA and Mark Brenner
Silhouettes for VETS is looking forward to Coaching each of these Veterans in order that we can decrease the Veteran unemployment – one Veteran at a time.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin aliquet magna ac erat faucibus congue. Pellentesque sit amet massa quis nunc imperdiet dignissim. Maecenas blandit purus et commodo tempor. Maecenas scelerisque bibendum neque et ultricies. Phasellus imperdiet libero sit amet nulla sodales aliquam. Fusce vel libero sollicitudin, iaculis eros sit amet, semper elit. Vestibulum sed libero metus. Pellentesque quis diam at lectus dignissim semper porta at tellus. Nulla scelerisque ultrices diam, ut pellentesque dui pharetra ultrices. Nunc in eros et eros rhoncus rhoncus. Nulla ac magna vel velit tempor sagittis. Sed quis porttitor erat.
Donec at nisi molestie, imperdiet enim id, mollis nulla. Nullam lacinia nisi commodo turpis porta, eget luctus urna bibendum. Fusce egestas quis diam placerat porta. Aliquam adipiscing, urna in vulputate malesuada, nulla orci euismod neque, nec porttitor sem urna ac nisl. Ut vel orci ante. Donec et ante nec augue iaculis convallis. Donec venenatis mi a quam pellentesque, quis vehicula purus auctor. Morbi lacinia neque vel lectus ullamcorper tincidunt.
Praesent eu nunc tincidunt, convallis sem sed, faucibus odio. Suspendisse ipsum ipsum, lacinia ac gravida non, consectetur quis elit. In dui diam, tempor dictum suscipit ac, lacinia nec arcu. Morbi consequat vel lorem ut vestibulum. Nunc in commodo quam. Proin ut varius nisi. Morbi sodales laoreet nunc, a adipiscing mauris suscipit ac.
Integer dapibus lectus sit amet nisi fermentum, ac vestibulum tellus hendrerit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed interdum augue euismod, gravida est vel, adipiscing justo. Morbi neque leo, suscipit et molestie sed, posuere consequat est. Nulla sed sollicitudin nibh. Quisque ac velit ut sem tristique lacinia. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam interdum facilisis dolor, vel laoreet erat.
Nam luctus justo eget turpis iaculis, nec molestie nibh lacinia. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla facilisi. Etiam interdum laoreet purus. Aliquam nec facilisis magna. Phasellus rutrum sapien elit, non vulputate elit viverra quis. Curabitur vitae velit eu libero mattis convallis. Duis non leo a turpis rutrum posuere sed non enim. Maecenas posuere neque ac neque elementum elementum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin aliquet magna ac erat faucibus congue. Pellentesque sit amet massa quis nunc imperdiet dignissim. Maecenas blandit purus et commodo tempor. Maecenas scelerisque bibendum neque et ultricies. Phasellus imperdiet libero sit amet nulla sodales aliquam. Fusce vel libero sollicitudin, iaculis eros sit amet, semper elit. Vestibulum sed libero metus. Pellentesque quis diam at lectus dignissim semper porta at tellus. Nulla scelerisque ultrices diam, ut pellentesque dui pharetra ultrices. Nunc in eros et eros rhoncus rhoncus. Nulla ac magna vel velit tempor sagittis. Sed quis porttitor erat.
A novel set in the medium-flung future, with a plot that hinges on the theft of a kind of super-book. A super-book that is engrossing, interactive, networked; with pages that change before your eyes; that knows more or less everything. A science-fictional object that served as the lodestone for Amazon’s efforts, in the early 2000s, to develop an e-reader.
In his chronicle of the company, Brad Stone writes: “The early [Kindle] engineers thought of the fictitious textbook in the novel as a template for what they were creating.” A palimpsest of influence, visible to all Amazon customers who log in to manage their super-book stolen from the pages of science fiction. The Kindle isn’t the only piece of technology with these roots, of course—far from it.
On April 17, 2014 Silhouettes for VETS participated in the Hiring our Hero’s job fair in Los Angeles. The response was overwhelming and my compliments and support to all the companies that participated as we work to get our Veterans back to work.
Silhouettes for VETS signed up over 30 Veterans who are interested in the Coaching expertise of the staff at the company. We have already started to work with five of these Veterans who are activity seeking employment.
In four short months Silhouettes for VETS has become a viable resource for Coaching all Veterans interested in finding their first or next position. Our program is customized to meet the needs of each Veteran. We will continue to expand our program over the coming months by branching our to communities outside Los Angeles, Ventura and Orange Counties.
From left to right: Carols Martinez, US Navy (Ret), Kelly Logan, Volunteers of America and Mark Brenner, President and CEO of Silhouettes for VETS
The next major event is the USC Veterans Collaborative Hiring Fair. The folks at USC are making their preparations for the event by assigning Navigators to work with the Veteran’s who will be attending in order that they are prepared to interview on the spot. I have been given the honor to work as one of the Navigators and am currently working with three Veterans who will be attending the event.
Putting our Veteran’s to work is priority one! Preparing each Veteran for the workforce is the first step in working toward this priority! Silhouettes for VETS invites all Veterans to contact us so we can take the first step in putting Veterans to work – one Veteran at a time.