On Friday March, 21, 2014 I participated in the Woman’s Veteran Symposium in Carson CA. The event was organized by Janel Watt who is an Army Veteran, an important part of the California EDD and Commissioner of Veteran’s Affairs for the City of Carson.
It is safe to say that there was an impressive turnout as there were over 150 in attendance including over 15 Veteran Service organizations including Silhouettes for VETS.
The program was highlighted by the keynote speaker, Congresswoman Janice Hahn. I was honored to spend a few minutes with the Congresswoman discussing how Silhouettes for VETS is a much needed service for our Veterans.

My congratulations to Janel Watt for organizing this event. The speakers were inspiring and the award ceremony was touching.

On March 14, 2014 I was invited to a Woman’s Veteran Breakfast at Patriotic Hall put on by the County of Los Angeles. The support and enthusiasm that resonated through the room was exciting and inspiring. Thank for to Colonel Peggy Stratford for your uplifting keynote address.
I am looking forward to continuing my service to events like this one.