


Silhouettes For Vets in Las Vegas Review Journal


Mark Brenner, president and CEO of Silhouettes for VETS Inc., discusses the importance of eradicating misconceptions about PTSD with Kelly Logan, director, Veterans Advocacy Network, Santa Clarita, Calif. Brenner’s West Hills, Calif., organization offers a free program that empowers veterans from transition until they settle into the civilian workplace.

Syndicated Columnist Milred Culp, PhD for the Knoxville New Sentinel, has written an article that appears in the Las Vegas Review Journal (September 15, 2014) that highlights and discusses the great work being done by Silhouettes for VETS. Silhouettes for VETS works with transitioning Veterans as they search for gainful employment by coaching each Veteran in one on one customized sessions so that they can gain a complete understanding of the hiring cycle – in other words “…how to get a job…

To read the entire article online go to Las Vegas Review Journal Click here